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Talking with a Qualified Employment Counselor is the fastest way to get started.
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Keep a Job
Get additional guidance on maintaining steady work history to grow your career.
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Our qualified Employment Network Counselors work with job seekers as they progress in the Ticket To Work milestones. We help participants deal with local SSA offices, making it easy to get started.
about usThe Social Security Administration (SSA) set up the Ticket to Work program so that these beneficiaries could find back-to-work support services in their own communities. Only qualified Employment Network Agencies can provide the best and FREE assistance to getting you started with your application to the program. Here are the basics you need to know.
- Ticket to Work is designed to help people explore or try returning to work without fear of losing their benefits or Medicare for an extended period of time.
- Ticket to Work enrollment will prevent a Continuing Disability Review (CDR).
- Once an SSDI or SSI claimant decides to sign up for Ticket to Work the process is simple. First, they have to determine if they are eligible (almost all are), and second to find an EN (Employment Network) to work with them.
- Vocational Services provided by an approved EN are done so at NO CHARGE to the disabled individual.
- Signing up starts with filling out an application provided by an EN counselor.
Get the assistance you deserve!
Our Qualified Employment Network Counselors advise participants through their progress in the Ticket To Work milestones.
We also offer many ways to assist job seekers in preparing for their employment search.
- Career Counseling
We will help you to identify your skills and abilities in the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions. - Resume Preparation
Our Counselors will assist in proofreading and tailoring the general resume you have written to the specific job and company where it is being sent. - Interview Coaching
We will refine your interview skills by walking you through job interview questions, answering tips, what to wear, and how to conduct yourself during the interview.

Get the most out of your new career!
Landing a job is what makes all of us feel successful. However, the road to success only begins when you get the job; succeeding at work takes initiative and hard work.
Take advantage of our retention services to keep you employed.
- Education & Training
We will connect you to vocational training experts and employment learning centers to help you advance your career opportunities. - Employment Coaching
Our counselors will help you understand your work environment better, overcome issues, and help clear your path to reaching your goals.